Google Search Console rolling out new date controls for performance reports

Google Search Console rolling out new date controls for performance reports

Google Search Console is rolling out a new date picker for the performance reports. This replaces the old performance report menu, where it showed a date selector, search type, and additional filters. Now it lets you quickly jump to 24-hour view, 7 days, 28 days, 3 months and more, plus the search type filter and additional filters.

This seems to be rolling out now, not everyone sees it yet.

What it looks like. Here is a screenshot I snapped of my corporate site:

Gsc New Date Picker

This is what the old/current version looks like:

Gsc Performance OldGsc Performance Old

24-hour view. There is also this 24-hour view that shows you data by hour:

Gsc 24 Hour PickerGsc 24 Hour Picker

Why we care. This may give you additional insights into your data, especially the 24 hours view that shows you data by hour. Also, there was a weird date picker bug over the past few days, that may have been related to this rollout and hopefully will be resolved by this.

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